Minutes – State Conference – March 2021

North Carolina Society Children of the American Revolution 80th State Conference
March 12-14, 2021
Virtual – Via Zoom

The 80th State Conference of the North Carolina Society Children of the American Revolution was called to order by Senior State President Kathy Benedict at 6:30 p.m. Attendance:
State Officers (9)
Spencer Daniels, President
Davis Benedict, Vice-President Bethany Westbrook, Chaplain Emily Rillie, Recording Secretary Abbie Page, Organizing Secretary Jessica Rillie, Registrar
Lauren Talley, Historian
Tristan Daniels, Librarian Nicholas Johnston, Curator

Many Members, individually and in groups, on zoom

Senior State Officers (5)
Kathy Benedict, Senior State President
Valerie Howell, Senior State Vice-President (Senior National Curator) Janet Westbrook, Senior State Recording Secretary
Sarah Page, Senior State Treasurer
Rebecca Bottoms, Senior State Registrar

State Seniors (4)
Mrs. Carolyn Coordes, Honorary Senior State President
Mrs. Julia Floyd, Honorary Senior National President
Mr. George Dolicker, Honorary Senior State President
Mr. Gary Horne, Honorary Senior State President, Senior State Parliamentarian

Spencer Daniels, State President, gave virtual protocol instructions. State Chaplain Bethany Westbrook to give the invocation. The North Carolina Sons of the American Revolution Color Guard provided a video presentation of the flags from Tryon Palace in New Bern. Drew Page led the Pledge of Allegiance. The group watched a performance of the National Anthem by the United States Marine Corps Band. Lauren Talley of the Joel Lane Society led the American’s Creed and the C.A.R. Creed, and the Preamble to Constitution was led by Skylar Woods of the Isham Blake Society. Abbie Page of the Governor Alexander Martin Society welcomed the group to the conference and thanked Mrs. Benedict and President Daniels for their hard work in organizing the conference. Mary Lee Howell’s response noted that this year’s conference was historic as this was the first Zoom N.C.S.C.A.R. state conference.

Senior National President Mrs. Lori Walters brought greetings to the group. President Daniels introduced the following distinguished guests:

National Recording Secretary – Gabe Bobo National Assistant Registrar – Daisy Dolicker National Curator – J Bobo

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National Chairman CAR/DAR/SAR/SR Relations – Gray Bobo
National Kids Helping Kids Co-Chairman and member of the Long-Range Planning Committee– Mary Lee Howell
N.S.C.A.R. Societies in Foreign Countries Co-Chairman – Bethany Westbrook Patriotic Education Program Committee member – Abbie Page
Senior National Curator – Mrs. Valerie Howell
Honorary Senior National President – Mrs. Jeanne Boggs
Honorary Senior National President – Mrs. Julia Floyd
Senior National Honorary Vice President and Senior National Endowment Chairman– Mr. Gary Horne
Senior National Auditing Chairman – Mrs. Renee Horne
Senior National Investment Committee member – Mrs. Elizabeth Johnston
Senior State President South Carolina Society – Mrs. Gina Bobo

President Daniels recognized Honorary State Presidents:

Honorary State President – Mrs. Christianna Pemberton Floyd Kay Honorary State President – Mary Lee Howell
Honorary State President – Megan Benedict
Honorary State President – Daisy Dolicker

Honorary State President – William Johnston
The following Honorary Senior State Presidents were introduced:

Honorary Senior State President – Mrs. Jeanne Boggs Honorary Senior State President – Mrs. Julia Floyd Honorary Senior State President – Mr. Gary Horne Honorary Senior State President – Mrs. Carolyn Coordes Honorary Senior State President – Mrs. Rebecca Bottoms Honorary Senior State President – Mr. George Dolicker

Davis Benedict, State Vice President, read the Registration Committee report. Lilly Walker read the Standing Rules and moved that the standing rules be adopted. Since the motion came from a committee, a second was not needed. President Daniels reminded the group that the only eligible voters at this State Conference were delegates elected by their local society, State Officers, and Honorary State Presidents who are current members. A vote was taken electronically, and the Standing Rules were adopted. Lauren Talley then moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approve them as published. The motion was approved. The following Society Reports were given by the respective Society Presidents:

Colonel Adam Alexander – President Bethany Westbrook Governor Alexander Martin Society – President Abbie Page Isham Blake Society – President Timothy Johnston
Joel Lane Society – President Lauren Talley

New Hanover Association Society – President Jayden Sturm Rowan Resolves Society – President Corie Jones
Thomas Sutton Society – President Tristan Daniels

National President Liza Fridenmaker brought greetings to the conference.

The report of the Nominating Committee was given by William Johnston, chairman. The following individuals were nominated for 2021-2022 N.C.S.C.A.R. offices:

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President – Davis Benedict
Vice President – Bethany Westbrook Chaplain – Abbie Page
Recording Secretary – Nathan Westbrook Organizing Secretary – Emily Rillie Corresponding Secretary – Ava Pecze Treasurer – Dorothy Johnston
Registrar – Eloise Barnes
Historian – Jessica Rillie
Librarian – Lauren Talley
Curator – Tristan Daniels

The conference attendees were informed that Eloise Barnes had withdrawn as a candidate for Registrar, and nominations were solicited from the floor. However, because there were no nominations for Registrar, the position will be appointed by the incoming State President per Article VI, Section 8 of the North Carolina Society Bylaws. Since nominations for all offices had been closed, President Daniels gave each candidate the opportunity to give a campaign speech.

Mr. George Dolicker gave instructions on the on-line voting system that would be used this year. Davis Benedict then read the second report of the Credentials Committee. The following Seniors were appointed by the Senior State President to serve as tellers:

Mrs. Rebecca Bottoms, Chief Teller Mrs. Elizabeth Johnston
Mrs. Linda James
Mrs. Valerie Howell

Mrs. Janet Westbrook

Bethany Westbrook administered the Oath to the Tellers. Delegates were sent links to the electronic ballot via email.

Davis Benedict nominated Spencer Daniels as Honorary State President to be included on the electronic ballot.

Unfinished Business:
President Daniels asked if any old business needed to be brought before the conference; there was no old business.

New Business:
Davis Benedict presented the proposed bylaw changes to the conference attendees. Vice President Benedict moved that the bylaw changes be adopted as presented. President Daniels asked if there was any discussion on the changes. Daisy Dolicker moved that the changes to Article XIV, Section 1 be removed from the bylaws amendment. Daisy explained that the amendment was a mistake that the committee had discovered only after the amendment was approved by the state board. The impact of this motion would be to keep Article XIV, Section 1 identical to its current form. Abbie Page seconded this motion. A vote was taken, and the motion passed.

President Daniels then redirected the discussion back to the original motion. Abbie moved the bylaws changes be adopted as amended (excluding the changes to Article XIV, Section 1 as discussed above). A vote was taken, and the bylaws were approved as amended. At 7:51 p.m., President Daniels recessed the meeting until 10:30 Saturday morning. She also reminded everyone to vote.

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Saturday morning session

The Saturday session of the 80th State Conference of the North Carolina Society Children of the American Revolution was called to order by President Spencer Daniels at 10:30 a.m.

Bethany Westbrook gave the invocation. Drew Page led the Pledge of Allegiance, and Lauren Talley led both the American’s Creed and the C.A.R. Creed.

Officer Reports:
The Senior State President, Mrs. Benedict, gave her report which was followed by President Daniels’ report. The State President’s Project raised funds for the C.A.R.E. Project. President Daniels announced the following contest winners:

Local Society with the best program on Hearing Impaired Children – Colonel Adam Alexander Society
Local Society with the best activity on “caring” – New Hanover Association Society

President Daniels introduced all of the 2020-2021 State Officers and Chairmen. The officers and chairmen then gave their reports and announced the contest winners for best program for their projects:


Davis Benedict, Vice-President
o Largest Donation to the Fleming Scholarship – Gov. Alexander Martin Society

Bethany Westbrook, Chaplain
o 1st place – Colonel Adam Alexander Society o 2nd place – Joel Lane

Emily Rillie, Recording Secretary
o 1st place – Rowan Resolves Society

Abbie Page, Organizing Secretary
o 1st place – Gov. Alexander Martin Society

Jayden Sturm, Corresponding Secretary
o 1st place – Joel Lane Society
o 2nd place – Colonel Adam Alexander Society

Ava Pecze, Treasurer. Report filed and contest winners announced by William Johnston

o 1st place – Joel Lane Society Jessica Rillie, Registrar

o 1st place – Colonel Adam Alexander Society

o 2nd place – Rowan Resolves Society Lauren Talley, Historian

o 1st place – Joel Lane Society Tristan Daniels, Librarian

o 1st place – Colonel Adam Alexander Society

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Skylar Woods, American Heritage. Report filed and contest winners announced by William Johnston

o 1st place – Colonel Adam Alexander Society

o 2nd place – Rowan Resolves Society Nicholas Johnston, Curator

o 1st place – Rowan Resolves Society o 2nd place – Joel Lane Society

o 2nd place – Rowan Resolves Society
Eloise Barnes, American History. Report filed and contest winners announced by William Johnston

o 1st place – Isham Blake Society

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New Business
President Daniels asked the conference attendees if there was any new business. There was no new business.

President Daniels explained the details of a scavenger hunt to be completed during the lunch break. Abbie Page then read the announcements. President Daniels recessed the meeting until 1:15 p.m.

Saturday afternoon session

President Daniels called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m.

Mrs. Carole Weiss, State Regent of the North Carolina Daughters of the American Revolution brought greetings to the conference. President Daniels then thanked Mrs. Weiss on behalf of the CAR for the continued support of the DAR.

o 2nd place – Colonel Adam Alexander Society
Davis Pecze, American Indian. Report filed and contest winners announced by William Johnston

o 1st place – Colonel Adam Alexander Society

o 2nd place – Governor Alexander Martin Society Tim Johnston, Conservation.

o 1st place – Governor Alexander Martin Society

o 2nd place – Colonel Adam Alexander Society
Adeline Drennen, Government Studies. Report filed and contest winners announced by William Johnston

o 1st place – Thomas Sutton Society

o 2nd place – Colonel Adam Alexander Society Drew Page, Kid Helping Kids.

o 1st place – Thomas Sutton Society

o 2nd place – Joel Lane Society
Caedmon Silva, Membership. Report filed and contest winners announced by William Johnston

o 1st place – Colonel Adam Alexander Society

o 2nd place – Joel Lane Society Lily Walker, Mountain Schools.

o 1st place – Colonel Adam Alexander Society

o 2nd place – Govenor Alexander Martin Society Daisy Dolicker, National President’s Project.

o Best Program – Colonel Adam Alexander Society

o Best Service Project – Colonel Adam Alexander Society
Trista Parrish, Patriotic Education. Report filed and contest winners announced by William Johnston

o 1st place – Colonel Adam Alexander Society
Dorothy Johnston, Public Relations & CAR/DAR/SAR/SR Relations.

o 1st place – Governor Alexander Martin Society

o 2nd place – Joel Lane Society Will Barton, Veterans

o 1st place – Thomas Sutton Society o 2nd place – Isham Blake Society

President Daniels welcomed Mr. Johnnie Sexton of the C.A.R.E. Project. She then led CAR members in demonstrating the Pledge of Allegiance in American Sign Language. After Mr. Sexton explained a little about the CARE Project, President Daniels announced that she would be sending $2,224 to the CARE Project.

Mrs. Rebecca Bottoms, Chief teller, gave the report of the tellers. Afterwards, President Daniels announced the following results of the 2021-2022 N.C.S.C.A.R. officer elections:

President – Davis Benedict
Vice President – Bethany Westbrook Chaplain – Abbie Page
Recording Secretary – Nathan Westbrook Organizing Secretary – Emily Rillie Corresponding Secretary – Ava Pecze Treasurer – Dorothy Johnston
Historian – Jessica Rillie
Librarian – Lauren Talley
Curator – Tristan Daniels

Mary Lee Howell made the motion to elect Spencer Daniels Honorary State President for life. The vote was taken, and the motion was approved.

Caedmon Silva made the announcements. He mentioned that CAR members had received bead, sunglasses, and candy in the mail. He explained that April 5 was the 1st National CAR Day of Service. T-shirts are available but must be ordered by March 15. See the National CAR website for details. Caedmon also announced that the 2021 CAR convention would be virtual. However, members can order a cardboard cutout to represent themselves. Mary Lee Howell, National Kids Helping Kids co-chairman, reminded everyone to please log their service hours.

President Daniels recessed the meeting until 6:30 p.m.

Saturday Evening Session- Awards Banquet

President Daniels welcomed members, seniors, and guests to the 2021 Virtual Awards Banquet. The invocation was given by Bethany Westbrook, State Chaplain, and Vice President Davis Benedict led the Pledge of Allegiance.

President Daniels introduced the current State Officers and Chairmen:


Davis Benedict, Vice-President Bethany Westbrook, Chaplain Emily Rillie, Recording Secretary Abbie Page, Organizing Secretary Ava Pecze, Treasurer

Jessica Rillie, Registrar Lauren Talley, Historian Tristan Daniels, Librarian Nicholas Johnston, Curator


American Heritage – Skylar Woods American History – Eloise Barnes

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American Indians – Davis Pecze
State Awards – William Johnston Conservation – Tim Johnston Government Studies – Adeline Drennen Kids Helping Kids – Drew Page Membership – Caedmon Silva

Merit Awards- National & NC – Nathan Westbrook Mountain Schools – Lilly Walker
State National President’s Project Chairman- Daisy Dolicker Patriotic Education – Trista Parrish
Public Relations & CAR/DAR/SAR/SR – Dorothy Johnston Tarheel Tattler / Newsletter / Magazine – Isabella Barnes Veterans – Will Barton

President Daniels introduced the distinguished guests:

National Recording Secretary – Gabe Bobo
National Assistant Registrar – Daisy Dolicker
National Curator – J Bobo
National Chairman CAR/DAR/SAR/SR Relations – Gray Bobo
National Kids Helping Kids Co-Chairman and member of the Long-Range Planning Committee– Mary Lee Howell

N.S.C.A.R. Societies in Foreign Countries Co-Chairman – Bethany Westbrook Patriotic Education Program Committee member – Abbie Page
Senior National Curator – Mrs. Valerie Howell
Honorary Senior National President – Mrs. Jeanne Boggs

Honorary Senior National President – Mrs. Julia Floyd
Senior National Honorary Vice President and Senior National Endowment Chairman– Mr. Gary Horne
Senior National Auditing Chairman – Mrs. Renee Horne
Senior National Investment Committee member – Mrs. Elizabeth Johnston
Senior State President South Carolina Society – Mrs. Gina Bobo

President Daniels recognized Honorary State Presidents:

Honorary State President – Mrs. Christianna Pemberton Floyd Kay Honorary State President – Mary Lee Howell
Honorary State President – Megan Benedict
Honorary State President – Daisy Dolicker

Honorary State President – William Johnston The Honorary Senior State Presidents were introduced:

Honorary Senior State President – Mrs. Jeanne Boggs Honorary Senior State President – Mrs. Julia Floyd Honorary Senior State President – Mr. Gary Horne Honorary Senior State President – Mrs. Carolyn Coordes Honorary Senior State President – Mrs. Rebecca Bottoms Honorary Senior State President – Mr. George Dolicker

Senior State President Benedict recognized the Senior State Officers and Chairmen for 2020-2021:


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Mrs. Valerie Howell, Senior State Vice President
Mrs. Elizabeth Johnston, Senior State Chaplain
Mrs. Janet Westbrook, Senior State Recording Secretary Mr. Shawn Pecze, Senior State Organizing Secretary
Mrs. Deborah Walker, Senior State Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Sarah Page, Senior State Treasurer
Mrs. Rebecca Bottoms, Senior State Registrar
Mrs. Katherine Wolfe, Senior State Historian
Mrs. LaRose Daniels, Senior State Librarian
Mrs. Chemberly Pecze, Senior State Curator


Mrs. Gina Thompson, American Heritage Senior Chairman
Mr. Josh Stacey, American History Senior Chairman
Miss Megan Benedict, American Indian Senior Chairman
Mrs. Carolyn Coordes, CAR Magazine and Tarheel Tattler Senior Editor Mrs. Gayle Watson, Conservation Senior Chairman

Mrs. Kathy Dean, Government Studies Senior Chairman
Mrs. Lizzy Their, Kids Helping Kids Senior Chairman
Mr. Bryan Jones, Membership Senior Chairman
Mrs. Julia Floyd, Merit Awards- National & North Carolina Senior Chairman Mrs. Karen Barton, Mountain Schools Senior Chairman

Mr. George Dolicker, National President’s Project Senior Chairman
Mrs. Joan Nelson, Patriotic Education Senior Chairman
Mrs. Robyn Rutledge, Public Relations & CAR/DAR/SAR/SR Relations Senior Chairman Mr. Tom Johnston, Veterans Senior Chairman

The North Carolina Sons of the American Revolution were represented by Mr. Fred Learned and Mr. Jay DeLoach. Mr. Learned, North Carolina State President, brought greetings during the Awards Banquet. Dr. Gus Succup, North Carolina State President of the Sons of the Revolution, also brought greetings.

Awards Chairman William Johnston and Senior Awards Chairman Valerie Howell presented the following Special Awards:

Joanne E. Wyrick Silver Tray given for the largest donation to the State President’s Fund – Gov. Alexander Martin Society
David Winborne Rees Tray given to the Society with the largest donation to the State President’s Project – Thomas Sutton Society

Susan Edwards Silver Tray given for largest Net Gain in membership – Torrence Tavern Society
Tarheel Silver Tray awarded for the best Society newsletter

1st place – Col. Adam Alexander Society

2nd place – Gov. Alexander Martin Society Historian Plaque presented for the best Society scrapbook

1st place – Col. Adam Alexander Society
2nd place – Thomas Sutton Society
Honorable Mentions – Joel Lane and Rowan Resolves

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Thomas Drew Plaque awarded to the Best Committee Chairman – Isabella Barnes, Bugler Gillies Society (C.A.R. Magazine/Newsletter/Tarheel Tattler Chairman)

Kandie Coggin Tray presented to the Most Valuable C.A.R. Member – Spencer Daniels, Thomas Sutton Society
N.C. Merit Award Winners

GOLD Award – Col. Adam Alexander Society

BLUE Award – Gov. Alexander Martin Society
Thomas Crowder Bowl awarded to the Most Outstanding Society- Col. Adam Alexander Society
Gary & Renee Horne Tray awarded to the Most Outstanding Senior (first awarded in 2020) – Mrs. Carolyn Coordes
DAR/SAR Outstanding C.A.R. Member (receives $100) – Bethany Westbrook, Col. Adam Alexander Society
Fleming Scholarship Winner ($2,000 award) – Daisy Dolicker

President Daniels then gave some farewell remarks about her term as N.C.S.C.A.R. State President. President-elect Davis Benedict then addressed the conference.

Mr. Fred Learned made remarks and presented Abbie Page with a $1,000 check for the N.C.S.C.A.R. from the N.C.S.S.A.R. Mr. Jay DeLoach presented a silver CAR medal of appreciation for the CARE project.

Davis Benedict will be installed as the next State President next month at the National Convention. The remaining officers were installed during the conference on Saturday night. Gabe Bobo, National Recording Secretary, gave the oath of office to the new slate of officers.

Dorothy Johnston then gave the final report of the Registration committee. President Daniels announced that the Joint State and Senior State Board Meeting would be held Sunday afternoon at 1:00 p.m. via Zoom. Bethany Westbrook gave the benediction and President Daniels declared the 80th State Conference adjourned.

Officer and Chairmen Reports


Emily Rillie
State Recording Secretary

Janet Westbrook


Janet Westbrook
Senior State Recording Secretary


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Joint Member and Senior Board Meeting
North Carolina Society Children of the American Revolution Sunday, March 14, 2021
Virtual – via Zoom

The Joint Member and Senior Board Meeting was called to order by Senior State President Kathy Benedict at 1:00 pm.

State Officers (9)
Spencer Daniels, President
Davis Benedict, Vice-President Bethany Westbrook, Chaplain Emily Rillie, Recording Secretary Abbie Page, Organizing Secretary Ava Pecze, Treasurer
Jessica Rillie, Registrar
Lauren Talley, Historian
Tristan Daniels, Librarian

Members (3) Dorothy Johnston

Daisy Dolicker, honorary state president, state chair for National President!s Project Mary Lee Howell, honorary state president, National Kids Helping Kids Co-Chairman

Senior State Officers (7)
Kathy Benedict, Senior State President
Valerie Howell, Senior State Vice-President (Senior National Curator) Janet Westbrook, Senior State Recording Secretary
Sarah Page, Senior State Treasurer
LaRose Daniels, Senior State Librarian
Rebecca Bottoms, Senior State Registrar
Debora Walker, Senior State Corresponding Secretary

State Seniors (7 )
Mrs. Julia Floyd, Honorary Senior National President
Mr. George Dolicker, Honorary Senior State President
Mrs. Jeanne Boggs, Honorary Senior National President
Mr. Gary Horne, Honorary Senior State President, Senior State Parliamentarian Mrs. Linda James, XXXXXXXXXXX
Mrs. Carolyn Coordes, Honorary Senior State President
Mrs. Elizabeth Johnston, Senior National Investment Committee member

Spencer Daniels, State President, welcomed everyone to the meeting. Bethany Westbrook gave the invocation, and Nathan Westbrook led the Pledge of Allegiance. President Daniels again introduced the State Officers for 2021-2022. President-elect Davis Benedict gave a few remarks about his proposed state project, including the possibility of making membership kits and having three fun events in addition to the regular N.C.S.C.A.R. meetings. He plans to focus on increasing C.A.R. membership.

Unfinished Business
There was no old business.

New Business
Emily Rillie asked the status of the Southeast Regional Conference for 2021, but there was no definitive answer as the situation is still up in the air due to Covid-19.

Mary Lee Howell moved that N.C.S.C.A.R. support all North Carolina Society members who attend the National Convention by reimbursing $10 of their registration fee. Daisy Dolicker seconded the motion. A vote was held, and the motion carried.

N.C.S.C.A.R. has three members who plan to be candidates for National office: Spencer Daniels, Bethany Westbrook, and Mary Lee Howell. Abbie Page made the motion that $100 from the General Fund be allocated to each of the three candidates to support their candidacy for national office. Davis Benedict seconded the motion. A vote was taken, and the motion passed.

President Daniels announced that the DAR had donated $1,131 to be spent at the discretion of the society. Mrs. Sarah Page, Senior State Treasurer, gave a report on the State Conference financials. Conference fees were used to pay for using the voting poll, cost was $15 per person over 20 people. In total, N.C.S.C.A.R. was $50 short on this year’s state conference, with this difference coming out of the General Fund.

President Daniels also noted that the N.C.S.C.A.R. received $1,000 last night from the S.A.R. The group discussed how to use the total $2,131 in donations. Daisy Dolicker moved that the DAR and SAR donations totaling $2131 be allocated as follows:

$100 SAR/DAR award $1015.50 to Spencer’s project $1015.50 to General Fund

Dorothy Johnston seconded the motion. A vote was held, and the motion carried.

President Daniels asked Mrs. Valerie Howell, Senior State Conference Awards Chair, how she wanted to handle the return and redistribution of officer pins. Mrs. Howell explained that in addition to the pins, she also needed to get the trays and plaques back in one location before they can be distributed to this year’s winners. Mrs. Howell was hesitant to use the USPS since it has not been very reliable lately. She will be in touch with each officer in the coming days about the process for returning trays, pins, etc.

Mrs. Janet Westbrook, Senior State Recording Secretary, also noted the need to obtain prior year minutes from last year’s recording secretary.

Abbie Page gave the benediction.
President Daniels adjourned the Joint Board Meeting.


Emily Rillie
State Recording Secretary

Janet Westbrook


Janet Westbrook
Senior State Recording Secretary