Fall 2016 Tattler Message

Hello C.A.R. Members and Seniors,

Greetings to each of you as we enter into this Holiday Season. What a wonderful Autumn it has been, culminating in a very successful Winter Board Meeting in Fayetteville on November 5th. It was great to hear the reports of each of the State Officers and Chairmen and learn of their activities throughout the fall.

Several societies were represented and gave wonderful reports on their monthly C.A.R. meetings as well as their special activities. Special thanks to Elizabeth Johnston and the Isham Blake Society who hosted this event. Everyone enjoyed the opportunity to march in the Veteran’s Day Parade and to tour the Airborne & Special Operations Museum there in Fayetteville.

I attended the Senior National Board Meeting in October in Williamsburg, Virginia and gave a report on the C.A.R. activities in our State. We had two new Sr. Society Presidents approved: Katherine Hinkle for the Martha Bell Society and Cindy Knigge for the Salt Works Society. Following the Board meeting the National Society had the honor of hosting this year’s Yorktown Day festivities. This year’s C.A.R.

This officer always enjoys the opportunity to share the C.A.R. story, and a DAR event was just such an opportunity. An Annual Joint Luncheon involving all three of the chapters in the Winston-Salem area took place in mid-November. I had the opportunity to answer questions concerning the C.A.R. in North Carolina as well as specific questions about membership and the requirements for C.A.R. members to become members in the DAR. It was an enjoyable day spreading the story of the C.A.R. I hope each of you will take every opportunity that presents itself to talk about the C.A.R. “Word of Mouth” is the best way to build our membership.

There are several special holiday events where C.A.R. members can get involved and represent us well: city- wide Christmas Parades and Wreaths Across America are two favorites. When you participate, be sure to take pictures!

Let me take this opportunity to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Rebecca Bottoms, Senior State President