Spencer Daniels, State President 2020-2021

Hello there! My name is Spencer Daniels and I am proud to be your new North Carolina State President. If you’re interested, here’s some fun facts about me: 

I am 19 years old and I always have my birthday at the same time that we have state conference. I am in my senior year at UNC Asheville. I have a major in psychology and minors in sociology and human rights. I received my associate degree while I was in high school as a part of a dual enrollment program. Hopefully during my year as president, I will be able to announce what graduate program I will be attending near year. Other than school, I have a few hobbies. I have gotten into embroidery recently and I love to make things for others, let me know if you need a fancy towel! I like to write and stay very organized with a planner. My favorite things to go involve the outdoors, such as hiking, kayaking, ziplining, backpacking, and camping. I have plans to buy an RV to live in for a short period of time within the next few years. In addition to my time with CAR, I have experience with organizations such as Impact Teens Inc. and I am an intern for my campus ministry. 

Thank you for your support, I look forward to serving you this year!

Information on Spencer’s State President’s Project can be found here. In addition, the 2020-2021 N.C.S.C.A.R. Yearbook which details Spencer’s plans for the year can be found at this link.

2019 Debutante Presentation