Summer 2016 Tattler Message

Hello C.A.R. Members and Seniors,

It has been a busy summer preparing for a new year in the North Carolina C.A.R. My appreciation to Pam Gerding and the members of the Kingston Society for hosting a very successful Summer Board in Kinston. It was wonderful to see many of you in attendance. Members and Seniors alike enjoyed learning about Richard Caswell and our new state project, Patriots and Public Servants. I also want to publicly thank Valerie Howell for her endless work on rosters, DAR articles, and the 2016 Yearbook! The Yearbook has an immense amount of important information on all things C.A.R. Valerie did a great job of formatting, organizing, and editing and I am so appreciative!

With the beginning of this new year, this officer has been focusing on the local societies and their leadership. Having served as a local society president for several years, I understand the importance of strong local society meetings. It is exciting to welcome two new Senior Society Presidents into the group of leaders who will help our state society to grow. The Martha Bell Society in High Point and the Salt Works Society in Newport will have new senior leadership, pending their appointments by the National Board in October. This officer is grateful for their willingness to serve and is excited to assist them as they begin the work in their respective locations.

Strong programs, member involvement, and FUN are the keys to a successful local society. Also, I would encourage local groups to invite the State President to visit one of your meetings and share about her state project. Mary Lee is excited to be able to meet members and share her excitement for the C.A.R. as well as for Richard Caswell!

I hope you will be able to join us at the new Airborne & Special Operations Museum in Fayetteville for our Winter Board Meeting on November 5th. We’ll march in the Veteran’s Day Parade and then tour the awesome museum. Hope to see you there!

Rebecca Bottoms, Senior State President