State President’s Message – December 2018

This year The North Carolina Society celebrates their 80th anniversary!

It’s time for an update on the four goals I set for this program year:

The first goal is to raise funds to fully provision 3 service dogs to
disabled veterans in North Carolina, working with North Carolina-based
non-profit Wags-4-Tags that rescues dogs from kill-shelters, carefully
matches each dog to a veteran in need of a service animal, and trains
them together for a full year to become a team where they can live
together in unconditional trust and love. This goal is 90% complete.

The second goal is to increase statewide membership equivalent to 1
new member per society, or an increase of about 30 new members. To
date we have welcomed 43 new members in North Carolina, thanks to
all of your hard work in all of our local Societies.

The third goal is to increase member participation in national activities,
state functions, and in local societies. North Carolina provides several
officers and chairs at the National level, and will strive to continue to
support the national organization in this way. North Carolina revised
their yearly board meeting structure to explicitly engage more members,
and has strongly leveraged the national and state contest structure to
drive more interest and excitement into local society meetings.

The fourth goal is to enhance engagement with the parent societies of
DAR, SAR, and SR. Both the state president and senior state president
have presented the C.A.R. organization and the state president’s project
frequently to those parent societies around the state, and continue to
engage them in efforts to preserve and revitalize local societies-at-risk.

As you know, this year the North Carolina newsletter went fully digital,
allowing us to provide nearly 30 full-color pages of content in each of
the first two issues to members across the state. All Societies are
encouraged to submit stories and pictures to the Tarheel Tattler for
publication. Thank you to co-editors Lilly Walker & Bethany
Westbrook, and to Senior editor Patricia Poe for such a great job
publishing the newsletter! The most recent edition is always available
on the NCSCAR.ORG website.

As a reminder, all state officers and chairmen are expected to submit at
least one article about their contest and it’s importance for publication in
the Tarheel Tattler. The final deadline for submissions is February 1 st !!!

I attended the National Board meeting at DAR headquarters in
Washington D.C. on October 20 th , and in the joint-board event at
Arlington National Cemetery, where a wreath was laid at the tomb of the
unknown soldier. It was fun to catch up with fellow national board
members from around the country. See pictures elsewhere in this
edition of the Tarheel Tattler.

I am extremely pleased to announce that the 2019 North Carolina State
Conference is scheduled for March 22-24 in Wilmington, NC at the
spectacular and newly refurbished Hotel Ballast. The location was
chosen largely to help bring business to shore communities that suffered
significant damage from recent hurricanes Florence and Michael. Look
elsewhere in this edition of the Tarheel Tattler for early details, and
watch for invitations to arrive early in the new year! It promises to be an
outstanding and fun event: I hope you all will attend!

Happy Holidays and a Happy new Year to all of our CAR families and

North Carolina State SocietyNovember 17, 2018Page 3 of 2
Daisy Dolicker
State President
The North Carolina Society, Children of the American Revolution