State President’s Message, February 2019

Hello N.C.S.C.A.R. members!
How my year as president has flown by, and we’re finishing it up with a
bang! This year’s State Conference is going to be amazing, and I hope everybody can come! There’s lots more information and the registration forms in this Tattler and on our website, and I hope to see you there!

I have been very privileged this year to travel across the state and the country meeting fellow C.A.R. members and friends, and to tell members of our parent organizations, the DAR, SAR, and SR, about C.A.R. programs and my own president’s project: “Helping Our Veterans Heal”!

It has been amazing to work with Ronnie Sadoski and the Wags4Tags organization to help them rescue more quality dogs that have been abandoned in North Carolina kill shelters, match these wonderful dogs with disabled veterans in need of the help, support and the unconditional love that a dog can provide, and train them both together for an entire year to live and work together as a team.

I want to thank the many people who have been so overwhelmingly supportive of my presidency and my project.

I want to thank my state officers and chair who have served this year alongside me and who have been helpful and supportive at every turn. The state C.A.R. program is certainly a team project, and the team did great job this year.

I have to thank the C.A.R organization as a whole, the members and seniors at the local, state, and national levels who have helped me develop and practice my leadership skills in a wide variety of environments, and given me the opportunity to meet wonderful people from around the country that I am now proud to call my friends. I don’t think any other organization provides the opportunities that are available to you in C.A.R.

And lastly endless thanks to my senior, my dad, who guided me through a
whirlwind year of being president. He was always there to encourage me, provide a sounding board, counsel me when things were hard, and helped me to be as active as I could be in travel, presentations, and meetings for both my state and national responsibilities. I couldn’t have done it without you!

Let’s finish this year up with a bang at the State Conference in Wilmington, and get ready for the next act!

Daisy Dolicker
State President