Senior State President’s Message – December 2018

We have a lot of exciting information and notes to finish up the year!
We’d like to thank Mrs. Deborah Walker and the Eleanore Wilson
Society for very graciously hosting the winter board meeting on
November 17th at the Mundy House and History Center!
We are pleased to welcome the Colonel Adam Alexander Society to our
ranks in North Carolina. This new Society held their organizing meeting
on November 18.

We are super-excited about the upcoming state conference at the
beautiful Hotel Ballast in Wilmington on March 22-24, this year
featuring our first Debutante presentation in several years! Look for
more details in this issue of the Tattler, and in upcoming mailings… this
is a state conference you won’t want to miss!
Are you looking for some New Year’s resolutions that you can actually
keep? Here are some humble suggestions:

Resolve to pay your society, state, and national dues BEFORE the end
of the year! Please consider life membership at the local society, state,
and national levels: it really helps CAR, and eliminates that pesky
annual need to remember to pay your dues!

Resolve to subscribe to CAR Magazine along with your dues, the
exciting quarterly full-color journal of CAR activities across the country
and around the world.

Resolve to support the national president’s project goal of 25,000 service
hours by logging all of your volunteer hours during the year on the
national website at under “National Program and Project”

Resolve to support the state president’s project goal of providing three
additional service dogs to North Carolina veteran’s in need.

Resolve to visit the state website and the North Carolina CAR Facebook
page regularly for the latest information on what’s happening in YOUR
state Society!

Resolve to submit articles and stories to the Tarheel Tattler about your
Society, your contest, and your activities in CAR… and be sure to
include pictures with captions!

And lastly, but most importantly, resolve to enjoy good, quality time
with your family and friends over this Holiday season.

Thank you all for a great 2018, and thank you for all the wonderful
things we will accomplish as our CAR family moves to close out
another program year in 2019!

George Dolicker
Senior State President
The North Carolina Society, Children of the American Revolution