State President’s Message – Fall 2018

Hello NCSCAR members!

I hope everyone is doing well after Florence. I am happy to report that my family and I were unscathed, and our thoughts go out to those who were not as fortunate.

In this time of need in our state, I’d like to reinforce the idea that CAR is about giving to our community. I encourage you all to go out and help those who have suffered from the hurricane, whether it’s by participating in a hurricane aid drive, or going to help clean up wreckage. Also remember that the National President’s project has a goal for 25,000 hours of community service nation-wide, so remember to log those hours that are spent helping others.

On a happier note, fall has finally arrived, and with it comes winter board! Winter board will now be held on November 17th at the Mundy House and History Center in Denver, NC. There, I will update the members on my president’s project, and take a tour of the Mundy House and History Center. Members will learn about Jeremiah Mundy, a revolutionary soldier and Methodist minister. They will also get a chance to meet some veterans and their service dogs from Wags4Tags, the organization at the focus of my project, Helping Our Veterans Heal.  I encourage you all to attend, it’ll be a blast!

This year has been a wonderful experience so far. I’ve had the opportunity to travel all around North Carolina, and even up and down the east coast! I’m so happy that my project has sparked interest among our members, as well as members of the DAR the SAR. I am well on my way to achieving my goal of being able to provide three fully trained service dogs to three veterans in need. I am so grateful to all of you who have bought pins, and are helping me reach my goal.

I would like to include a special thanks to Honorary State President Audria Vickers and her family for their extremely generous match of the fist $800 raised for my project. They continue to show their support for the NCSCAR and for veterans in need.

All the best,

Daisy Dolicker

State President