Winter 2017 Tattler Message

Hello members of C.A.R!

It’s hard to believe my time as State President is almost over. It seems like just yesterday, I was standing on the lawn at Mount Vernon wearing my State President’s ribbon for the first time, hugging Erin and Connor Jackson as they congratulated me. It’s been the adventure of a lifetime and I wouldn’t take any of it back. I’d like to thank you for your help with raising money to go towards my State President’s Project, “Patriots and Public Servants”. We will announce the total amount of money received at State Conference!

Speaking of State Conference, we would love to have you join us on March 24-26th, at the Hawthorne Inn in Winston—Salem, NC! We have two very special guests coming to North Carolina this year: Senior National President Mrs. Joanne E. Zumbrun and National President Connor Jackson will be joining us in celebrating Governor Richard Caswell’s legacy! Also, on the subject of State Conference, the deadline for room reservations is February 22 and all contest entries need to be submitted by February 28, 2017.

In this last letter from me to you, I bring you exciting news! On Saturday, February 11, I attended the Dolley Madison Society Organizing Ceremony in Hillsborough! Please welcome them as the newest society to N.C.S.C.A.R!

Thank you again for such an amazing year in C.A.R. It’s been grand!!

Mary Lee Howell, State President