Fall 2016 Tattler Message

Hello members of CAR!

I hope each of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! It’s hard to believe the year is almost over and it will soon be Christmas! I hope everyone is having a great C.A.R. year.

My activities have slowed down since school started but I am still spreading the word about C.A.R. and my State project. I had the pleasure of speaking to two SAR chapters in one week about Patriots and Public Servants and at both I received donations to my project! In October I attended the National Board meeting at the new American Revolution Museum at Yorktown. We saw the National President’s Project under construction and participated in a mock cannon firing for Freedom’s Thunder. Later the same week several North Carolina members and seniors attended the Yorktown Day festivities. N.S.C.A.R. served as host of the event and our National President, Connor Jackson, did a great job! At home I attended my own Kingston Society meeting in Kinston, and the Senior State President helped me successfully surprise the Governor Alexander Martin Society!

I would like to thank each person who attended the Winter Board meeting held in Fayetteville. We held a successful meeting and C.A.R was well represented in the Veteran’s Day Parade! We even got invited

to have a group photo taken with Governor Pat McCrory at the end of the route.

Thank you to the Isham Blake Society for hosting this fun event and to the local SAR Chapter for inviting us to be a part of the parade.

Hurricane Matthew hit the eastern part of the state and I hope all our C.A.R. members were safe with little or no damage. Many people are still suffering from the flooding and I hope everyone will consider helping Matthew victims during this season of giving.

At this time, I would like to again remind each one of you that the C.A.R State Conference will be held at The Hawthorne Inn in Winston- Salem, NC on March 24-26, 2017. Can’t wait to see you there. I wish you all a Merry Christmas!

Mary Lee Howell, State President