Summer 2016 Tattler Message

Hello members of CAR!

What a summer it has been! From the end of June to the end of July, I was traveling the country from Arizona to Massachusetts going through 14 states along the way! I wasn’t traveling alone though. I was traveling with National Board members of C.A.R spreading the word about the National President’s Project, Freedom’s Thunder at Regional Meetings! Special congratulations to Shelby Putnam and Mrs. Carolyn Coordes on an OUTSTANDING job on the Southeastern Region Meeting. It was great to see so many North Carolina members attending!

Once our “Summer Tour” ended in Billerica, MA, I came home to prepare for our State Summer Board meeting on August 6th. The meeting was held at Gordon Street Christian Church in Kinston, NC, and had an amazing turnout! Thank you to everyone who came and supported my project! I had so much fun presenting 17 project pins and bowling after the meeting!

Also this summer, I spoke at a Naturalization Ceremony in Kinston, NC on July 4th to welcome new American citizens and bring them greetings. I traveled to Raleigh to attend an SAR Board of Manager’s Meeting where they showed their support for C.A.R by donating a generous

amount to my State President’s Project, Patriots and Public Servants. The week after, I went on the road to participate in the C.A.R. workshop at the DAR Fall Forums which were held in Morganton, Durham, & Goldsboro.

Please continue to support my project Patriots and Public Servants to renovate the Governor Richard Caswell Memorial.

A reminder to members and seniors that we will have our Winter Board Meeting on November 5, 2016 in Fayetteville and our State Conference on March 25, 2017 at the Hawthorne Inn in Winston-Salem. Details to follow soon. I hope to see you there!

Mary Lee Howell

State President