Elizabeth Drew, Debutante, March 2009

Miss Elizabeth Drew is a member of the Joel Lane Society Raleigh, and is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Champion Drew, IV and Mrs. Cynthia Nancy Wilder Drew of Rocky Mount.

 Miss Drew, a Lifetime member of C.A.R. was President of the Joel Lane society from 2005 until 2008. She served on the State level as Organizing Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, & Librarian. Elizabeth was also Program Chair for the National & State Merit Awards, Mountain Schools & Kids Helping Kids. For the 2005 State Conference she was Chairman of Pages & was a Delegate for Regional Conferences Greensboro, NC 2006 and Charleston, SC 2007. Elizabeth was also a Joel Lane House Junior Docent in 2004.

Elizabeth is a current freshman at East Carolina University in Greenville where she is an Honors Student & plans on Majoring in Art History.  Elizabeth graduated from Wakefield High School. She was selected by the faculty to participate in “The Lead America Program” for 2008 with study at Oxford University, England, including traveling to France, Germany, Austria, Slovakia, and Hungary.

Elizabeth is honoring her ancestor Captain Cato Riddle who along with his six brothers enlisted in Chatham County, Hillsboro District & fought in the Battles of Cowpens & Guildford Court House.

Elizabeth is being escorted by her father, Dr. Thomas Champion Drew, IV.  Dr. Drew is Past President of the Joel Lane Society; Past NC State Vice President, Historian, Corresponding Secretary, and Librarian

Her Assistant Marshal is Mr. Christopher Thomas Drew, current Senior at Appalachian State University. Christopher is also a member of the Joel Lane Society and is waiting approval by the SAR.