Hillary Hutto, Debutante, March 2007

Miss Hillary Hutto is a member of Mecklenburg Hornet’s Nest Society in Charlotte and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hutto of Monroe.

Hillary is also a member in the John Foster Chapter DAR and the Waxhaw’s Chapter Daughter of the American Colonists where she has served as a Page for the Madame Regent’s Project and Dedication at the Waxhaw Museum, served as the Personal Page for the Madame Regent at the Annual State Assembly meeting in Statesville, NC, and at memorial dedications

Hillary graduated from Parkwood High School Summa Cum Laude and is a freshman at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, earning the Chancellor’s Achievement Award” for a 4.0 GPA for the fall semester. Hillary was invited to become a student of the Honor’s Program, She is a member of the Phi Mu Sorority, and was chosen as “Greek Female of the Year” and is a UNC-W cheerleader. While in high school she received Who’s Who among High School Students in America and Who’s Who among High School Students in America in Sports. She received a letter in Track, receiving the “Sportsmanship Award” and a received a letter as a varsity cheerleader and was named NCA All-American cheerleader. Hillary was also the treasurer of the National Honor Society; was a member of the National Dean’s List and National Society of High School Scholars.  Among the 6 scholarships she received – She was awarded the North Carolina Nurse Scholars Scholarship and the Carolinas Medical Center – Union 2006 Volunteer Scholarship.

Hillary plans to major in nursing and become a Nurse Anesthetist.

Hillary wishes to honor her Revolutionary ancestor Private Philip Wolfe of North Carolina who was wounded at the Battle of Kings Mountain. She also wants to honor ancestors Exekiel E. Gaskins, Patriot from SC, Private John Smith of North Carolina & Private John Nelson of VA.

Hillary is being presented tonight by her father Mr. Alan Hutto.